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Monday, November 15, 2010

There is peace in the Valley

   The buzzing of the alarm wakes me at 6 am, sounding like a nuclear launch. Always placing it out of reach I must get up to silence the noise that has disturbed my slumber. Rising from bed Is not a chore for I  have nothing dreadful to do. There is nothing pressing me for my time. I am glad to awake and start a new day. Always looking forward , wondering what there will be in store.
    As I get out of bed I look over to the perfect little being that had been at my side all night. He is my little pardner, my buddy, my heart, my life. How can anythig be more beautiful than he? I think of all the joy he has brought into my life in his five years. I will have to get him up in a short while for school ,but for now I will leave him to his dreams.
     I walk from the bed and into the shower, as I do most every day. I like to let the warm water run for a while. Standing under it letting my thoughts run free. I could not say what I think about, I just relax under the warm shower of water. I get out and do the normal things, shave , brush my teeth, look at my hair. I keep my hair short so I dont need to do more than look at it.
    My coffee is done and waiting for me in the kitchen. I check on Zane, he is still dreaming little boy dreams.
It is time to go over to Mom and Dads. I walk out the door to a chilly mornig. The fresh cool air is wonderful.
Looking out the sun has just started to rise over the mountains. I think how beautiful this truly is. I can feel the warm sun on my face through the cold air. I almost have to squint. I think of how lucky I am to be here right at this moment.
  I cherrish every minute of my mornig coffee ritual with me parents. We talk back and forth with ease almost like old friends. We are comfortable with each other and this makes me happy. I feel I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of. I feel like we can talk about anything,and we often do.
  It is now seven and time to wake Ole Zane. I wake him playing as I always do. I think it important for him to wake up happy. As usual he opens his eyes laughing at whatever I am doing. We play for a few minutes then it is off to the shower. He (most of the time) does not fus or whine. Like me, he to likes to let the water run on him for a while before we get down to the buisness of washing. When he is out and dried I tie the towel around him, he puts on sandals and beats feet over to Grandmas. My mother is an angel to him.And he loves and adores her very much. She will get him dressed(well, she supervises the operation) does his hair, to a point. He likes to spike his hair in the front and is not happy with anyone doing it but himself.
    We get into the car about 7:45 for the short ride to school. Sitting there in his seat he looks so big to me now. And yet sometimes he still looks so little. I pull into the lot at school and we get out. I walk him to the gate and tell him I love him. He says I love you too and darts off to play with the other children.
   I then make my way back home looking forward to what the day will bring.
As I sit here now I think of all the good things in my life. I am happy. And as I look out into the night I think, I have found it. There is peace in the valley

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