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Friday, October 26, 2012

The great plan. Just for today

  You have heard it said god works in mysterious ways, and that everything happens for a reason. These are said when believers cant explain away why so many bad or evil things happen in this world. I hear it said or see it written every day. We dont know why there is evil but just know that god is in control. Ok? God is in control huh? So everything that happens,, god allowes, better yet god planned.
   Yes my friends your loving god has everthing that has happened, and everyhing that will happen planned. Lets look at just one day of his great plan.
  Today 18,000 children will starve to death. 18,000 children (2007 UN) But their parents can go to bed tonight with a glad heart knowing that their children we part of gods big mysterious plan!!! Yeaaaaa!! Praise god!!!
    Today an estimated 781 (1999) children will be sexually assulted. Just here in the goood ole USA.Man does that god work in mysterious ways. Praise god?
    Today an estimated 3 children will be murdered. (2008). Just in the US. God needs those children.
    Today 2,185 children will go missing. All according to his divine plan.
    Today, 6 children will loose their fight with cancer. Even though many prayers were sent skyward. Cant change the plan you know. That is over 2000 children a year, and just in the US.
     Well there you go, just a little bit of the fun god has planned for today. So lets get on our knees and that him for such a wonderful plan!!!! Yeah god you go!! But I have only written a small part of his plan for today. Want to know the rest? Watch your news channels.
  I know I know, it is not god it is satan right. SO Satan is in control? He has the power to change gods plan? Does god have a plan for each of our lives or not? Does it not say in your book that he has planned everything in advance and nothing happens unless he allows it? I mean it should not supprise you that god will allow, or has planned, for all these bad things to happen to children. Just read your book. There is page after page of god ordering the murder of children.
    There are many excuses believers use to justify the actions of their blood thirsty god. But they are only things said to make themselves feel better. I myself see zero evidence that there is a just and loving god in control of this world. My question to you believer is, how do you live with this? How do you justify your gods actions? Do you really consider all the evil in the world?

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